Marie Curie

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Books From Sharon

Availability: 3 in stock

Janice Borzendowski tells Madame Curie's remarkable story, exploring: Marie's many firsts, including becoming the first woman awarded a Ph.D. in physics and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize; her amazing personal and professional relationship with husband Pierre Curie, with whom she worked side-by-side; the tragedies that affected Marie deeply, including the loss of her mother and brother at a young age; the difficulties she had establishing herself in Parisian scientific circles, both as a woman and a foreigner; and, the importance of Marie's work and the tragic consequences of not understanding the dangers of the radioactive materials she was researching.


  • (Author)  Janice Borzendowski
  • (Illustrated)  Yes
  • (Illustrator)  N/A
  • (Suggested age range)  10+ 
  • (Series)  Sterling Biographies
  • (ISBN)  9781402753183
  • (Publisher)  Sterling
  • (Printing date)  2009
  • (Format)  Paperback
  • (Dust jacket)  N/A
  • (Weight)  255g
  • (Size)  19 x 14 x 1 cm
  • (No. of pages)  124
  • (RRP)  £N/A